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March 20, 2008 05:02 AM UTC

Five Years Later, Five Years of the Same

  • by: Go Blue

Five years after the Bush Administration lied the United States into war by fear mongering and bullying the public into believing there was a connection between Iraq, Al Qaeda and WMD’s in spite of all the facts, we see today that Bush’s rhetoric has not changed.

BUSH: When we consider the costs of a strategic victory for our enemies in Iraq, if we were to allow our enemies to prevail in Iraq, the violence that is now declining would accelerate and Iraq would descend into chaos. Al Qaeda would regain its lost sanctuaries and establish new ones, fomenting violence and terror that could spread beyond Iraq’s borders with serious consequences for the world’s economy. With such chaos in Iraq, the terrorist movement could emerge emboldened with new recruits, new resources, and an even greater determination to dominate the region and harm America, and embolden al Qaeda with access to Iraq’s oil resources, could pursue its ambitions to acquire weapons of mass destruction and to attack America and other free nations. Iran would be emboldened, as well, with a renewed determination to develop nuclear weapons and impose its brand of hegemony across the Middle East.

We also see the republican party will pursue the same fear mongering strategy with John McSame’s campaign who went as far as repeating the same lie three times in two days.

McSame said it was

“common knowledge and has been reported in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.”

As the saying goes, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks:

Unfortunately for these old dogs, only 31% approve of Bush’s Presidency, which nose-dived 40% since he invaded Iraq, and public opinion is strongly against this war with 2/3rds saying it was wrong to invade.


4 thoughts on “Five Years Later, Five Years of the Same

  1. .

    Telling lies to convince the nation to support going to war is bad.  

    The people who told those lies are bad.  

    Killing a million innocent civilians is bad, even if they’re not Americans.  

    Occupying a foreign country and brutalizing the citizens is bad.

    Going into a pre-emptive war to secure access to oil is bad.  

    Bad, bad, bad.


    Quit living in the past.


    It is more important to have a dialogue over what to do now,

    now that we are where we are.  


    Some folks are saying it would be a strain on our military to force them to pull out at a rate faster than one Brigade Combat Team per month.  

    Therefore, one of the Democratic Candidates says, that should be how fast we pull out.  


    If the National Command Authority decides to,

    we can pull out of Iraq completely,

    all ~105,000 combat troops and ~55,000 support troops,

    in 60 days.  

    We shouldn’t pull out as fast as possible just because we can.

    We should pull out at the rate that best supports US national security.  

    Right now, the mission of US military forces in Iraq is to make sure that things stay on an even keel until after President Bush leaves office.  

    The military isn’t trying to secure vast new territories,

    it is conducting a delaying action.

    From Diyala to Nineveh,

    the watchword is,

    “just keep your head down until January.  After that, the mission changes.”  

    Unfortunately, the situation is not going to get any better between now and then, since we have surrendered the initiative.  

    But there’s a good chance it won’t get much worse, since Iraqis don’t want to do anything to make us change our minds and stay longer.  


    what happens when the new President takes over ?  

    If the new President is Mike Gravel, who’s still in the race,

    then we give the military a new mission:

    FIRST, prepare the provinces and cities and towns and neighborhoods,

    prepare all of the communities in Iraq to defend themselves from their neighbors.  

    SECOND, help these communities work our deals with their neighbors for mutual self-defense, or at least agree not to fight each other and find areas of cooperation.  

    THIRD, after about 2 – 4 months of the above, start an orderly withdrawal.  

    What happens if Obama becomes President ?  Or Clinton ?

    That answer is less clear.  

    My impression is that we start the 16-month withdrawal, without bothering to get the Iraqis prepared for the new security environment after we’re gone.  

    After a couple of months, we find this arrangement unsatisfactory, and stop the drawdown while we develop a plan.  

    A real plan, as opposed to the currently stated plan, “I’m going to immediately start withdrawal in January, until we have 30,000 troops left to defend the Embassy and to conduct ‘freedom of action’ limited strikes.”

    And what if McCain wins ?

    Stay the mindless course.  


    1. We need to develop a legal framework for handling PMCs.  Even if the US stops hiring them, they will remain a problem.  As the US pulls out their presence will increase.  

      I want our troops out of Iraq, but I don’t want them replaced by mercenaries operating under vague laws.

      on another note: I’ve tried to envision what is the best case for the US in Iraq and I’ve kind of decided we want to swap position with Iran: lots of influence, the ability to upset the apple cart or protect our friends, but no responsibility for security.   Just like we were suckered into fighting this war, we have to sucker the Iranians into overplaying their hand so that we can just hang back and influence things instead of trying to control things.  I know its a little real politik, but I can’t see a way of disentangling fully without having Kurdistan/turkey death spiral and saudi/Iran proxy war breaking out.

      1. .

        most of my life, my one issue was opposition to abortion.  

        Now I’m a little more targeted.

        I’m opposed to the Iraq abortion.  

        Gravel is the only one still in the race who is unabashedly for advancing US interests vis-a-vis Iraq,

        which necessarily means getting out.

        Clinton and Obama are both indebted to interests that support continuation of the train wreck.  

        Regardless of what they say for public consumption,

        both have signaled that they recognize how important it is to keep bleeding any potential adversaries of one particular political party in Israel.

        The Iraq mess, big picture, is worse for Israel than it is for us.

        But just like the GOP in the US,

        the “conservatives” in Israel would destroy their country if they can make money off of it.


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